Category: Leadership

Lean Culture – The Leader’s Guide

Lean Culture – The Leader’s Guide provides a roadmap to implementing lean culture within your organization. This guide represents the knowledge gained through thirty-five years of field experience implementing large scale change in the culture of organizations. Through this guide you will learn the principles and process of changing organization culture to capitalize on the competitive advantages of lean.

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Gross Workplace Happiness – Can it be Measured and Does it Matter?

Rudiger Fox who is the CEO of PFW Aerospace AG, a leading tier one supplier to the aviation and aerospace industry in Germany,has taken the components of Gross National Happiness and applied them to his corporation. He has developed a measurement methodology and strategic plans to improve Gross Workplace Happiness.

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Goldman Sachs and the Need for Hangings in the Village Square

The child like and pseudo religious belief that the free market will, by itself, right all wrongs in time, a belief adhered to by Alan Greenspan and other groupies of Ayn Rand, is at the heart of our financial crisis and the crisis of capitalism. This Greek tragedy was played out at Enron, Lehman Brothers, and now Goldman Sachs and BP. The question is whether corporate executives are capable of adhering to principled behavior in the absence of punishment of significant severity to balance out the significance of potential rewards for unprincipled behavior.

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Team Leadership Curriculum & Certificaton

Essential Skills for the New Manager


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