A blog dedicated to creating commitment and collaboration at work

Since about 1969, from the time I began working as a counselor at Polk Youth Center, N. C. Department of Corrections, I have been focused on how human behavior responds to the nature of organizations and all of their systems and structures. From prisons to joining Fran Tarkenton’s mad house of training and consulting in textile mills of the South (1973), when we were focused on “catching someone doing something good today”; to forming my own firm (1983) and the creation of total team systems from top to bottom in client organizations; and to the development of a whole-system model of organization design, I have viewed my career as a journey of learning and discovery. Rather than become obsessed with one technique or theory, I have always sought to learn from the new in each and incorporate lessons into a unified process of improvement. In this blog I hope to share some of the things I have found to be important, to have high impact on the performance of individuals, teams and the organization.

What this blog will not be is a recitation of consultant speak. You can read my books or papers for all that. What I will do is comment on current lessons learned, books read, events in the news and attempt to share some perspective as they relate to organization performance.

Blogs can be boring. Many of them are largely self-indulgent rambling. I will try not to be rambling or self-indulgent.

I believe in dialogue, the creation of collective wisdom that emerges when differing views are inhaled, taken deep into the lungs, and then exhaled in a fusion of shared insight without regard to who owns the thought, whose report card will be credited. For that reason I welcome comments and they will be available for public view. Nothing would please me more than for this blog to be a place where compelling and even controversial ideas come together. As long as the general theme is considering how organizations impact performance, how the cultures of companies and public institutions are changing or need to be changed.