The New Manager – Leading People, Teams and Processes

New manager training is a challenge for every company. I have just completed and published a new course to fulfill the need of training new managers (or those hoping to be) in the essential people and team management skills. It is based on principles and practices of lean culture. A lot of the material in this course is similar to my Team Leadership cournew-manager-title-3se, however, every lecture is new and hopefully improved. I have also included new topics specifically directed at the needs of the new manager. These include communication responsibilities, providing job instruction training, discipline and conflict resolution. It also include effective inter-personal communication, giving and receiving feedback, team facilitation, problem-solving (PDCA, A3, root cause) and process improvement.

blended-learningThe course includes thirteen action-learning exercises and quizzes. I also recommend to the student that they work with a coach within their organization who can give them feedback on their exercises and application of the material. I have tried to think of everything I would want to include if I were responsible for new manager training in an organization.

The course includes 82 lectures, 11 hours of material, plus the assignments and quizzes.

If someone else in your organization is responsible for new manager training please pass this on to them. If your company can use this on an ongoing basis for training new managers I will be happy to provide a discount for your company.

Please take a look and let me know what you think.