Toyota: Did they believe too much in their own reputation?

The Washington Post today reports Toyota’s own explanation of their failure. By their own account, they put growth ahead of quality. They did not have the sense of urgency to respond to customer feedback. Again, nothing in this condemns shop floor practices, the essence of the Toyota Production System, or “lean”, rather it condemns the priority and actions of senior managers.

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So What Happened to Toyota???

Last week I was at a client and I was explaining some point of lean culture and I used an example from Toyota. The union president who was in attendance stood up and said “I’ll tell you one thing, you better not tell us to do anything because Toyota did it. Ten people in the past week have come up to me and told me that we aren’t doing anything because Toyota does it.” That about sums up the sentiment out there.

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Sustainable Wealth

Among other things, and the BIG thing I am working on now is a re-write of the New Capitalism book. So, why am I re-writing? That book had already been through several revisions and it took me a while to realize that the one...

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Team Leadership Curriculum & Certificaton

Essential Skills for the New Manager


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