Creating Sustainable Wealth in Your Life and in Your Business
Wealth Founded on Values and Worthy Purpose Over the past several years I have been working on a...
Read MorePosted by Lawrence M. Miller | Apr 23, 2016 | Human Capital, Innovation Capital, Social Capital, Spiritual Capital, The New Capitalism | 0
Wealth Founded on Values and Worthy Purpose Over the past several years I have been working on a...
Read MorePosted by Lawrence M. Miller | Jul 16, 2012 | Corporate Culture, Corporate ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility, Leadership, Spiritual Capital | 0
Stephen Covey died today. Stephen was a truly “good man” in every reasonable sense of that word. He did his best to practice what he preached and what he preached was not simply good management, but moral, spiritual, ethical conduct in the board room, the workplace and in the home.
Read MorePosted by Lawrence M. Miller | Jun 13, 2010 | Corporate Culture, Corporate ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility, Leadership, Spiritual Capital | 8
The child like and pseudo religious belief that the free market will, by itself, right all wrongs in time, a belief adhered to by Alan Greenspan and other groupies of Ayn Rand, is at the heart of our financial crisis and the crisis of capitalism. This Greek tragedy was played out at Enron, Lehman Brothers, and now Goldman Sachs and BP. The question is whether corporate executives are capable of adhering to principled behavior in the absence of punishment of significant severity to balance out the significance of potential rewards for unprincipled behavior.
Read MorePosted by Lawrence M. Miller | Jul 7, 2006 | Social Capital, Spiritual Capital, The New Capitalism | 2
Both governments and companies suffer under illusions of power… the intoxication of the material world and the dismissal of the power within the heart and mind.
Read MorePosted by Lawrence M. Miller | Apr 22, 2006 | Human Capital, Managing Change, Social Capital, Spiritual Capital, The New Capitalism | 0
I want to be the moderator at the next Presidential candidate debates. There are a couple questions I would like to ask about their plans for creating national wealth.
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